Electric Fires

Electric Fires

From sleekly silhouetted modern inset fires to traditional-style freestanding stoves, there’s something for any space in your home.


The eReflex from Gazco

Designed with the very latest LED technologies and offering a choice of stunning fuel beds, this innovative electric fire range lets you decide on the perfect ambience to suit your mood -with only your imagination to hold you back.

Stovax Woodburners

Upgrade your home heating with Stovax’s range of high-efficiency wood burning stoves, available in both traditional cast iron and sleek contemporary styles.

Electric Fires

Our Electrical Fires department has a hand-picked selection of Inset Electric Fires, Outset Electric Fires & Freestanding Electric Stoves to suit any home or space. Check out our Electric Fire Accessories for frames, mantlepieces & trim suites.